More than just a swimming coach

From swimCOACHING to swimSEMINARE to our swimCAMPS we offer you swimming training on a professional level.

At PERSONAL SWIM COACH we train almost all performance and age groups and have a lot of helpful training and equipment tips to improve your swimming style and increase your performance. Whether you want to swim faster or finally crawl the entire distance in triathlon, we work together with you on your personal goals.

Use our individual swimPLÄNE to prepare for competition and increase overall fitness or benefit from video analysis to optimize your style.

Currently we offer swimming lessons at two different locations in Hamburg as well as twice a year on Mallorca. If you live outside of Hamburg but are interested in professional coaching, you can still contact us so that we can find a solution together.


Training camp for swimmers and triathletes

Come to our training camp on Lanzarote or Mallorca and experience a unique sports holiday with professional and individual sports supervision!

*Free airport transfer on the day of arrival and departure at the specified transfer times.

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