Travel cancellation insurance

In the event that you are unable to participate in the swimCAMP at short notice, we offer you the possibility via our partner alpha Consult Hamburg GmbH take out travel cancellation insurance. For 46 Euro/per person you can secure up to a travel price of 1500 Euro. If you want to take out insurance for another person, please fill in the form below twice. Please note that cancellation insurance can only be booked up to 30 days before the arrival date.

Note: Currently it is only possible to take out insurance if your main residence is in Germany. We are already working on a solution.

When the application is submitted, your data will be transmitted directly to our insurance partner Alpha Consult Hamburg GmbH (the general terms and conditions of Alpha Consult Hamburg GmbH as well as those of the insurance company apply). Your personal data will be treated with confidence and will be primarily required to take out insurance. It may be that our partner or the insurance company will contact you again if you have any questions about your insurance or to settle a claim.

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